1070 Riverwalk Dr STE 256, Idaho Falls ID, 83402


Which dealerships can I go to?

You may go to any used car dealership in your area. Take the pre-approval email you receive from TrueBlue Auto to any dealership for proof that you’ll have financing for the car of your choice. 

Can I buy a car from a private seller?

Yes, TrueBlue Auto will finance private car sales.

Is a down payment required?

We typically do require 20% of the vehicle price down.

How is the paperwork handled:

We will coordinate with the dealership of your choice to get the paperwork that is needed.

Can I just have liability insurance on the vehicle?

No, to protect you and us, you need to maintain full coverage on the vehicle for the term of the loan.

Do you offer any coverages for repairs?

We do have service contracts that will cover certain repairs. The cost of the service contract can be financed in your loan.

Are there any prepayment penalties?

No. There are no penalties to pay off or refinance your loan.

How can I make my payment?

We have several ways you can make your payment. You can use our website and log into your account, call our office at 208-529-1560 or mail in a payment to us.

How do I apply?

You can apply on our website under credit application. Please make sure to fill out all needed information so we can get started.

What is the term (or length) of a loan?

Our loans are typically 4 to 5 years; however, we encourage you to refinance after 1 to 2 years of on-time payments.

Do we report to credit bureaus?

Yes we report to the credit bureaus monthly. Making your payments on time each month will improve your credit score which will allow you better options for all types of financing over time.

Have a different question?

Email us at or send a message from our website.